Wednesday, January 6, 2010

La Befana

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany,
otherwise known as La Befana.

Befana is a witch who brings toys
and candy to the good children
and a lump of coal to the bad children.

The Italians have finally brought to
a close their holiday season which all
began almost a month ago with the
Immaculate Conception, which occured
on the 8th of December.

Ever since, it's been holidays and "bridges" (those days between the holidays
that aren't worth going to work over because, "hey, tomorrow's another holiday!")

But, now, sadly, it's all over. Time to go back to work and school. Time for Italians
to grit their teeth and suffer until the next series of holidays begin.

Carnevale starts on February 6th! Good ol' Lent.

Anyway, we were out there today and here's a video clip of The Man to prove it.


Annie said...

Hi, I've been following you and The Man's travel between Italy and Ohio since I started reading his poetry blog. Thanks for sharing a beautiful day! I always enjoy reading your posts, too. I love your observations and the way you write.

Waiting for the Big Giant said...

Hi Annie. Thanks for writing and your kind comments. I look forward to reading your blog in return.