Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Nun's Foot

I hope she heals up okay.

I was on the Tram 8, returning from a big grocery shopping at Standa Supermercato. My trolley cart was full of heavy stuff, like cartons of milk and orange juice, two bottles of wine, a bag of oranges and lots of vegetables.

The tram was full (as usual!), but I had managed to find an empty seat near the exit door. When my stop came I stood up to make ready to haul out my load. Well, this nun was standing nearby and as I took one step toward the door she started pushing me to get my seat. I was attempting to manuver my cart around a man standing in the way. As I felt the nun rudely pushing I just kept going. I felt the cart go bloop, bloop. Kinda like when you run over a small animal with your car. Just a little up and down sensation. I glanced back briefly to see the wheel of my cart coming down off the nun’s foot.

It was a direct hit.

I had no sympathy.

I had no time, the doors were starting to close.

Another enchanting shopping experience in Roma.

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