Friday, August 1, 2008

My Senses Are Peaked

I think there is some kind of anomaly occuring in the warp and woof of time and space.

In other words, something weird is going on and I'm tuning into it.

Is it the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius or some mystical menopausal phase I'm going through?

I'm not sure and I find it fascinating.

During the past three or four days some "thing" will occur to me and I'll wonder about it. Then, within 48 hours, I'll receive a direct answer to my question. And, the answer is not allegorical at all, but absolutely clear.

For example, on Tuesday I noticed two vehicles on the road, both with "U.S. Government" license plates and I wondered, "How many vehicles does the government actually own? It must cost a fortune to insure and maintain them."

The NEXT DAY in the headlines I see:

U.S. government loves its cars: Vehicles cost taxpayers $3.4 billion

The government owns 642,233 vehicles.

Then, on Wednesday, The Man asked out loud, "I wonder how ol' Annette Funicello is doing?" It was a strange question, in that it had nothing to do with anything we were doing at the moment. But, I started thinking about her, too. I knew she had multiple sclerosis, but I hadn't read anything about her in years.

THE NEXT DAY I was dashing through the grocery store check out. I look up at the rack of tabloid newspapers and see a blazing yellow headline:

Annette Funicello on Life Support: Asks fans to "Pray for me!"

Oh, and another thing, people are accidentally wearing their shirts inside out. The Man has done it (he actually does it frequently, so maybe he doesn't count), but my friend down the street did it recently and it was very odd. Then, today, I found MYSELF wearing my shirt on inside out!! I haven't done that since I was about three years old.

I know it sounds like nothing, but "nothing" to you certainly feels like "something" to me.

I'll keep you posted on this.


TomC said...

Just the other day, as we were preparing to go to the gym I noticed Julieann was wearing here "Life is Good" t-thirt inside out. I don't recall her doing that in the 40 years I have known her. Concidence? Or could it be the beginning of a fashion trend that is rapidly sweeping the nation?

TomC said...

I mean 'her'.

TomC said...

And the word I was looking for is 'prescient'. That would be you... and The Man.

Waiting for the Big Giant said...

I don't know if it's a fashion trend. I think it's something more sinister than that. "A disturbance in the force," Obi Wan Kanobi would say. But, I'm really glad you reported on this. I need more data before I can file a report with MUFON.