Saturday, February 27, 2010

Birthday Boy

All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust!

Peter Pan (aka The Man) is celebrating his
65th birthday today.

Accordingly, after interminable weeks of rain
and gray skies, we in Never Never Land have
been blessed with the stunning arrival of spring
in all its glory, with brilliant blue warm skies,
singing birds and blooming flowers.

Turning 65 caused some slight discomfort for the
Boy in Green, but he shook it off in his inimitable style. After all, there are still more
dragons to slay, more pirates to capture, more poems to write, pictures to paint,
music to create. He's too busy to be mopey.

Plus, he gets Happy Birthday discounts from the government from now on every
time he enters a State museum because now he enters for FREE, which he did just
this morning right after breakfast when we went to test the system. He also purchased
a shiny new monthly bus pass for half price!

Peter Pan is flying high!

I'll teach you to ride on the wind's back, and away we go!

But, this is a meaningful birthday. It's like 18 or 21, but then they make you wait a
really long time for the next one, 65. And, it's difficult to experience one of the big
birthdays after having had so little practice after so many years.

But, he did fine. There was just a flutter of discomfort.

The Man has aced the aging process the way I slay pattern recognition skills on an
I.Q. test. He's really good at it. He has a way of growing along in years gracefully.
He is forever gentle and kind with everyone he meets. He spreads cheer whenever
he can. He remains inquisitive and interested. And, no physical ailment impairs his
willingness to experience another adventure.

It has been my life-altering, good fortune to have been along for the last thirty
years of the ride.

He is an example to follow. Too bad we can't dissect him and figure out exactly
how he ticks, because he's not like anyone else I've ever met.

Happy Birthday, Peter.
From the dumb-dumb Wendy-type girl you taught to fly.

So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned.
Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever,
in Never Never Land!


TomC said...

Beautifully done Wendy. The Man has a companion of truly extraordinary calibre!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Jack, and good wishes to his wonderful Wendy! ~ Annie